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Welcome to BooksFlyer!

Updated: Mar 8

Happy to see you here! The resources section has been created with the purpose of helping you set up and manage the tool. It includes all the necessary steps to do so, from logging in to Amazon Advertising via our tool to keeping your account optimized when adding new campaigns. By the end of this article you should be able to:

  1. Understand what the app can and cannot do.

  2. Understand how to sign in the beta and enroll in a plan.

  3. Understand how to connect the app to your Amazon Advertising account.

  4. Understand the data we receive from Amazon, and how to check for discrepancies.

What can the app do?

Our product is on an early stage — it has recently finished its beta phase, and has a roadmap to keep on adding new features! As of today, BooksFlyer has the following features:

  1. Campaign dashboard, to see your ads data.

  2. Bidding Rules, to keep your campaigns optimized.

  3. Group Metrics, to define the estimated royalties you earn and keep a limit on how much you'd like to bid. In other words, help the bidding rules do their job.

You will not be able to create new campaigns or edit existing ones directly via the app. If you want to create new campaigns, or add new targets to an existing campaign, you will have to do so via the Amazon Advertising interface.

The same applies to modifying bids per placement, or adding negative targets to your campaigns.

Steps to set up the tool for the first time

Here are the initial steps you’ll need to follow to start using the tool:

If you have a problem in any of the steps above, feel free to reach out to me directly at Estimated time to respond is up to 24 hours.

Sign In

You will only be able to sign in after you've received a private invitation from me. We are slowly welcoming people onto the platform and, depending on the support needed, we will see if it is possible to add people faster. A good quality of the product for existing clients is key for us before we let more people in! If you have not yet talked to me and want to know more, feel free to reach out to

Once you receive the private link to register in our tool, you'll have to fill in the fields you'll see in the screenshot below and accept the terms of the pilot:

Enroll in beta plan

In order to use the tool, you'll have to enroll in the beta plan. Click on "Enroll" and you will be redirected to the payment platform (Stripe) in order to complete the payment:

Once the payment has taken place, you will be able to continue to the next screen (and you'll receive an invoice in your email inbox).

Connect Amazon Advertising Account

The first screen you'll see when logging in the tool will be the following one:

You will need to have your Amazon Advertising console connected to our tool so that we can receive and send data to them. For that purpose, follow the next steps:

1. Click on log in with Amazon (you can use either: the button or the link).

2. Once the Amazon Advertising landing page comes up, include your email and password used to enter the Amazon Advertising console (if you are already logged into your advertising account, this screen may not appear).

3. After logging in to Amazon, the following screen will appear:

Click on "Allow".

Amazon should now be linked, so we’ll move on to the next step: Profile selection.

Select and Save Profiles

Profiles are Amazon "sub-accounts" you have under your own Amazon account. They can be accounts for other regions or different pen names, if you manage more than one.

*Important: If you manage accounts in different regions, know that for this beta you will only have access to profiles in the US, UK and the EU regions. If there are any additional regions you would like to see added, please feel free to let us know.

Once you have connected your Amazon Advertising account, you will find the following screen, which will ask you to select the profiles you want to optimize with the tool:

For performance purposes, we ask that you only select US/UK/EU profiles that you are actively using. Adding inactive profiles may slow down the performance of the tool. When you've finished selecting the desired profiles, click on Save.

You'll see additional menu options appear on the menu bar to the left. (Campaigns, Bidding Rules, Settings), and the message below:

In order to see any of the profiles, you may select one in the top right drop-down bar (Select Amazon Ads Profile). However, note that the data may take a few hours to download, so initially the profiles will be empty. We will send you a notification once the download is complete!

Check your data

Once you have received the notification that your data is downloaded, click on the button to enter the tool, and make sure you are in the Campaigns section. In that same section, scroll down to the table.

*Note: You will see columns like Estimated Sales Royalties and Estimated ACOR — do not pay attention to those for now, since we just want to make sure that the information we receive from Amazon is good. We'll discuss them in the next article.

Notice that we are only importing enabled Sponsored Product campaigns. So, in order to validate the data we receive with the data you have on Amazon Advertising, make sure you have a couple of filters in this last platform:

  1. Campaign Type: Sponsored Products.

  2. Active Status: Enabled.

Next — make sure the same dates are selected in both platforms. We use the last 60 days of data (not including the current day) to perform changes on the bids, so you want to make sure the same dates are selected both in BooksFlyer and in Amazon Advertising.

The columns we receive from Amazon are the following:

  1. Impressions

  2. Clicks

  3. Click-through rate (CTR)

  4. Spend

  5. Cost per Click (CPC)

  6. Orders

  7. Sales

  8. Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS)

  9. KENP Royalties

The rest we calculate internally (Amazon does not provide them). Make sure these columns have the right data per campaign, and this should already be enough to validate that the data is correct.

Discrepancies of up to 5% are considered normal, but if you see a discrepancy bigger than this, take screenshots and let me know at

Next steps

Now we have our account connected and our data verified, we can follow the below steps:

  1. Set up the Metrics for your campaigns! Related article: Setting up your metrics. You will find a couple of videos to help you with this.

  2. In the Bidding Rules section, choose the rule setup you prefer: Quick or Custom? Related articles: Setting up the rules.

  3. Monitor and check results. Related articles: Monitor & Adjust.

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